What is Lateral Damp?
Lateral Damp occurs only on a building’s external walls. Lateral damp can usually be noticed by the formation of little salt crystals on the wall. Like rising damp, lateral damp is very common throughout older homes / heritage homes. This isn’t to say that is doesn’t happen in modern homes also. With poor building practices, lateral damp can be a big issue in modern construction. If left for long enough, lateral damp can start causing detrimental effects to the paintwork and decorations. It can also produce a dank, musty smell which isn’r favourable for any home.
How does Lateral Damp occur?
Lateral damp occurs when water travels horizontally through the brickwork or stone. As the water passes from the outside of the building into the inside of it, you may begin to notice a build-up of salts on the wall. This happens when the moisture is absorbed and airborne salts become activated and begins to form on the walls.